2014 01 Vigiljoch Kirche Winter (alex Fliz) (2) Web
2008 02 Vigiljoch Winter ©kompatscher (734) Kopie Web

Winter and snowshoe hikes

When nature withdraws and the first snowflakes fall on trees, pastures and huts, a silence spreads that absorbs all sounds, so that only your own breath and the crunching of snow under your feet can be heard. On the Vigiljoch, nature rules. Meditative tranquillity accompanies winter hikes through forests with a smell of resin and across vast meadows. After abundant snowfall, there is a good chance that you will be able to leave your first tracks over pristine white surfaces on snowshoes. The trails to the ski area and to the huts have good visible tracks. Apart from the Bärenbadalm and the Naturnser Alm, the restaurants on the Vigiljoch are also open in winter.

Snowshoes (without poles) can be rented at the cable car valley station.

Vigilius Mountain Resort

Ski fun on natural snow

Those who prefer to take leisurely turns away from the hustle and bustle of busy ski circuits on family-friendly natural snow slopes will find pristine and tranquil winter magic on Vigiljoch’s five kilometres of slopes. Pleasure skiers appreciate the deep tranquillity and flair of yesteryear, when Lana’s local mountain was considered the epitome of the alpine ski scene and where numerous ski and fun races were held. And the same applies today as it did then: the slopes are open as long as Old Mother Frost allows it.

Current Slope informations

you can find here

Patrick Hendry 7fhuowi8f0w Unsplash Kopie

Ortler Ski Arena

15 family ski areas in South Tyrol – see more.
Sales point: At Foto Kofler – Maria Hilf Str. 13, 39011 Lana 

Ski offer

The Vigiljoch is the perfect ski area for beginners. The easy slopes make learning a pleasure. But even experienced skiers get their money’s worth at the Joch. The Vigiljoch offers something for everyone in winter – a ski school and a ski club included.

Vj Skiiklub
Vj Skischule

San Vigilio Ski Club

The Ski Club at Vigiljoch has been active since 1948. The club members are responsible for the Christmas children’s ski course as well as Saturday ski courses and the organization of sporting events on the mountain.

President Lida Lochmann
Villenerweg 3 / 39011 Lana
Tel. +39 338 2247964

San Vigilio Ski School

In addition to group courses, the Vigiljoch ski school also offers private lessons and ski support for adults and children. Supervised afternoons and an annual carnival ski course are also organized.

Ski school director Kuntner Lucas
Am Gries 21 / 39011 Lana
Tel. +39 331 2929035 


Operational break from 10/3 until wednesday 16/4 incl.